Loving on Nuts

It seems only right that on V-dDay, you should do something good for your heart. 

Nuts love on your heart more than any food out there! They’re loaded with good unsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, vitamin E, plant sterols, and L-arginine – all of which are linked to decreased risk of heart disease. They’re also chock-full of vitamins and minerals, they can help to control blood sugar, and they’re filling, which can help if you’re looking to keep your appetite under control. And if a snack of a small handful of nuts replaces a snack that might otherwise be one laden with sugar or less healthy fats, even better!

There are so many things to love about nuts. They’re crunchy and flavourful, they’re portable and easy to store, and they can add interest to an otherwise boring meal or snack. The bonus? They’re packed with nutrients your heart will love too.

Since each type of nut has a different nutrient profile, eat a variety but opt for raw over roasted if you can to maintain the quality and nutritional content of their healthy fats. Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans and macadamia nuts are fantastic options. Like anything, you can have too much of a good thing. Keep servings to about ¼ cup.

If eating nuts on their own isn’t your thing, try adding sliced hazelnuts or pecans to a salad, throwing cashews into a stir-fry, mixing chopped macadamia nuts into whole grain muffins or pancake batter, munching on almonds with a bit of dark chocolate, making salad dressing with walnut oil, or spreading cashew butter on apple slices or banana to make it a more satisfying snack.

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